Okay so I use strictly whole wheat for my recipes. I am no expert so sometimes it is a matter of trial and error. When I started baking alot earlier this year, I found a good recipe on recipe zaar which called for half/half. We hadn't gotten the grain mill yet so used white flour and it was the softest most delicious bread you ever tasted.
Once we got our wheat it was still good. But as you know WW only is easy to taste "wheaty", quite a bit on the rougher side. Last week I baked a few loaves and I did goof by having the oven on too high or something and , well, they were pretty disappointing. VERY WHEATY as well.
I decided to try a new recipe from Tammy's Website. Oh my!!! It was perfect!!! Very soft and tender, melt in your mouth. I can honestly say it reminded me of when I had made those first loaves many months ago with white flour! That is how good it was. I am definately making this again and again. I think this will be my new "main bread" recipe and occasionally I will try others.
I made chicken breast and mashed potatoes and broc., carrots and cauli. for dinner. I served up a loaf of the bread fresh out of the oven and everyone ate two entire loaves!!
If you use WW flour only and are looking for a very tasty soft bread, I urge you to try this. The only thing I can say additionally is that the wheat we use is soft white wheat. Normally people recommend hard red wheat for bread. But I find this soft white wheat very tasty. :) I used EVOL. I also have a kitchen aid mixer with a dough hook so I let that do the kneading. Their book recommends when the dough is in a ball and it all clings to the hook then it is done kneading. This happened yesterday and the end result was amazing. I have heard that the secret to great bread is in the kneading so I just wanted to share what worked for me. I look forward to trying more of her recipes!
Tammy's Homemade Wheat Bread
A slightly sweet, healthy half-whole-wheat bread
Yield: 1 loaf
1 cup warm water (110-115 degrees F)
1 tablespoon milk
2 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons dry yeast
1. *Combine first 6 ingredients in a large mixing bowl; stir.
2. Add flours and yeast, and knead until dough is smooth and elastic, about 10-15 minutes. Place dough in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover with a clean towel and let rise until doubled, about 40 minutes.
3. Punch dough down; knead for a few minutes until smooth and then form into a loaf. Place in greased loaf pan and cover. Let rise in a warm place until almost doubled in size, about 30 minutes.
4. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. If loaf starts browning too soon, lightly lay a piece of foil on top of the loaf to prevent too much darkening.
5. Remove bread from oven and allow to rest in pan for a few minutes. Remove to a wire rack and cover with a cloth. Slice and enjoy while still warm! Leftover bread can be stored in an airtight bag or frozen until needed.

The oil,water,honey,sugar,salt, and milk mixture.

The dough

Ready for the oven

I smeared butter on the tops

Too bad you can't smell it!

Sliced up in my bread basket

I need to make up 9 batches at once and stick 3 in the freezer. I wonder how that will work freezing the dough after it has risen? Do you like to make bread?
Your bread looks so yummy! :) Thanks for leaving a review of the recipe on my website! I really appreciate it. :)
Thanks, I will try this recipe when I make bread tomorrow. The WW flour I have in the house right now is from the store, King Arthur whole wheat white flour. Not sure why it's called white, since it looks and tastes just like any WW flour. To be honest, I like to use WW pastry flour even for my breads because it makes them so much softer and fluffier, but I'm out of that.
It's funny, the Nutrimill is the exact grain mill I have wanted for about 3 years now. You are really making me want to get it even more.
Tammy: thanks for stopping by. You are more than welcome. Thanks for such a wonderful bread recipe. I look forward to trying more of your food. :)
The white wheat flour is made from soft white wheat. (I believe) That is what I am using, soft white wheat. It doesn't look very white to me though. Of course the hard red wheat doesn't look red either. lol
The pastry flour is the best, that is the setting I use on my nutrimill. As you can see this loaf came out very fluffy, soft and tender.
And even better news. My eldest dd who normally loves bread hot out of the oven, yet hates it cold. (We stick it in the fridge to keep it fresh cause of no preservatives) She will normally not take a sandwich of h.m. bread to school.
I made her one with this and she actually ate it and admitted to liking it! I said will you take another one to school and she said yes! Hooray!!
Joe was loving it too, he said I need to make more of this!
Yeah I briefly researched mills and this one seemed the best in the price range. Get it!! And we can have a bakeathon! lol
Hi - I am new to baking bread and especially with whole wheat. I just wanted to ask, so your recommendation for a mill is the Nutrimill? Like this one here: http://www.everythingkitchens.com/nutrimill.html
I want to try making tammy's recipe but with whole wheat. I don't know if I am being over ambitious, since I don't even make my own breads, but would like to start.
The price listed on that website, is that the cost of mills?
thanks -shawna
Hi, thanks for stopping by.
When I was researching mills, this was the best at the time to do what I wanted. I have been very satisfied with the product for over a year. Yes you are going to spend that much for an electric mill.
Hand mills, the ones you crank yourself are much cheaper but who wants to do that by hand? lol
I paid $249.00 w/ free shipping and I got mine at
The price has now gone up to $269.00 though.
I notice the place you are looking at appears to be the same one and is $10.00 cheaper. If you trust the reliability of that company, go ahead and get it there.
Before I got my grain mill I bought Montana Wheat from Walmart. There is also King Arthur whole wheat flour you can buy at the store too.
This recipe I now use half all purpose flour and half whole white organic wheat and it turns out great. It is very sliceable and a great loaf of bread.
I don't think you are being overly ambitious. Every one needs to start some where.
I would probably recommend making white bread first and working your way up to whole wheat bought from the store. Make sure it is something you enjoy doing and have time for before you invest in a grain mill.
I LOVE making our own breads. Most women who do this say there is nothing better than pulling a hot loaf of fresh bread out of the oven that you made your self and you know exactly what is in it.
It is so tender and warm and fresh, put some butter on it and it is like a slice of heaven. Once you start making it with some whole wheat flour, you can be hapy knowing it is also very nutritious for you.
But even with white flour, it is way more nutritious then all that garbage they put in most breads in the store.
If you like I can post some recipes for you later for white bread. I say to start with white bread cause there is less chances of it turning out like a brick. That happens to me sometimes. Over the summer I didn't bake much at all and after a 4 month break I wound up almost burning my loaves the first time I baked again. lol
See the pictures? lol
I did want to let you know that I have moved my blog. I imported all my blog post and pictures though.
I post alot of recipes especially bread. Lately I have tried different things including focaccia, stromboli, french bread etc.
I have also heard people recommend to try making pizza first. Have you ever done that before?
Do you have a kitchenaid mixer?
Come by my new site. You are welcome to ask any questions you like.
~ Jasmine
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